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Latest Courses
ISO Good Standardization Practices (GSP)
This eLearning course will provide you with knowledge on the best way to develop, publish and disseminate information on standards. The course is offered in English on a 4-monthly basis.
ISO-ITC eLearning course on business continuity management systems requirements
To build resilience, it is vital to understand the risks to your business. The International Standard 22301 for business continuity can help you do just that.
Digtial Transformation
Digital transformation occurs when an organization integrates digital technologies into its business operations, adopting them as part of a cohesive strategy and culture.
Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring are two critical components of employee development and growth. The terms coaching and mentoring are often used interchangeably but there's a notable difference between the two.
Gender Responsive Standards - Guidance for ISO & IEC TCs
This eLearning module is designed for standards developers, and all technical committees and working group participants to help them ensure that the standards they are developing are gender-responsive.
ISO Guide 84 for addressing climate change in standards
ISO Guide 84 provides guidance to standards developers on how to take account of climate change in the planning, drafting, revision, and updating of ISO standards and other deliverables.